Tutorial STF2018: Practical Risk–Based Testing – The Prisma Approach, Erik Van Veenendaal, June 2018.

A day course in QA issues with an experienced mentor: Erik Van Veenendaal.

Sentence of the day: “Risk is something that could make someone unhappy”.


At the beginning, we talked about Risk Management that is focus on Risk Identification (Functional items, Technical items) and on Risk Analysis.

Risk Analysis is a function of two big factors:  Impact on Business and Likelihood, which state the probability of existing defects. ‘Prisma’ is the common, but not the only, technique used to identify these factors.

We learnt the Defect Clustering theory, which state that the Number of defects found in a module could be an indicator for more defects in the same module and this surely could help to save time!

Then we had a reasonable explanation of what Stakeholder Analysis means. We learned how to identify and how to communicate with stakeholders.

Each team did an exercise applying and using the definition of Product Risk Matrix.

To conclude, I have to say that the experience was amazing.  I really enjoyed it.

Grazie Abs


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